There is only little information about this Curta sample case.
Known is an advertisement in the journal "Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik: VPK", 1995. Two identical Curta sample cases were sold by a well-known auction house (May 26, 2018 and November 10, 2018, a red and a blue one). The Base plate (10.028 ) without serial number indicates an origin from Contina/Hilti (1968/1970)- perhaps also immediately after the factory closed.
Showed are 33 components / assemblies of the Curta Type 1. These are new and unused - so they do not come from a disassembled Curta (...two Curtas would be needed). The selection is quite representative and shows the variety of processed parts and materials of a Curta. The briefcase could be from the seventies - but is still in production under various brands. The production and assembly point to a professional origin (assembly of the parts and the back was made very carefully). Inside labeled with CURTA.